Morton Vischer

Featured Novel Excerpts
Ravishing the Supervox
By E.A. Gundlach

 Links to
Science Fiction

Hello Everyone,  
Thank you all for your tremendous support during the passed three years.  I've been kicking around the idea of  going to a quarterly .pdf publication and opening MVSFF to short story submissions. There will be kick ass art by E. A. Gundlach to complement the fiction.

In the meantime, Ravishing the Supervox will still be available to you in .pdf format for the price of a paperback. You can still read an excerpt of this novel by clicking here.

If you would like to be notified when the format change is implemented and the magazine goes quarterly, please e-mail me at and type 'Notify me' in the subject line and I'll place your e-mail in the notification list.  You may actually be notified by receipt of the first issue of the magazine. At that time, if you want to continue receiving it, you can respond via e-mail.

Best regards,

Link to the Worldwide Science Fiction Convention Calender
This is the most comprehensive Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention sight we have ever seen,
 packed with world wide event information listed by date.

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 Best Links for Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers and Artists!
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